First test version of our new web platform!

Create experiences with us

Build apps and websites faster, make smarter business decisions, and reach people anywhere. We simplify your journey to the cloud with our managed solutions.

Our network

A decentralized global network that accelerates millions of web properties.

Thanks to our cloud agnostic partnerships our network can reach 95% of the world’s population within 50 ms.



Countries including mainland China


Major ISP & Cloud Provider

121 Tbps

Global network edge capacity

The best technology and marketing expertise from around the world

JungleWP is a team of visionary leaders, designers and engineers committed to providing a superior and easy hosting experience for public cloud. We’re reimagining the experience of the cloud for Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion by applying what we’ve learned from our combined experience at AWS and DigitalOcean, Microsoft and Nokia. We are a globally distributed team (Africa, Europe, Americas, South East Asia) with our headquarters in Hong Kong.

“ Being an architecture and interior design company across Europe, China and Asia; it is essential for us to have a website that can reach our clients where they are.”

Daniel Heusser, President
Inbox user interface

The best solutions tailored for small business to enterprise around the globe

JungleWP bridges cloud hosting by making technology easy and safe to use with our user-centric approach. From Fortune 100 companies to corner markets, our clients use JungleWP to connect their teams, scale their websites to millions of people around the world, and drive their business forward.

Customer profile user interface

Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Customer Experience

JungleWP® works with companies and consultants to address complex cloud hosting challenges. Our partners ideas, volunteer power, support and more contribute to provide better services for our clients.

DigitalOcean Logo
Cloudflare Logo
Amazon AWS
Microsoft Logo
Canonical Logo
Docker Logo

Meet our leadership

We innovate a platform to empower SMB, SME, and Large Enterprise with intuitive solutions that make it simple enough for everyone to launch their services and products into a global market and connect remote teams or social groups worldwide.

  • Pedro Paquemar

    Co-Founder / CEO

  • Franck Koumba

    Co-Founder / CIO

  • Bill Hoisington

    Business Development / USA

  • Erik Simonetti

    Business Development / EU

  • Maeva Slotine

    Legal Advisor